
Electronics...who needs them? Oh, I do!!

So, in attempt to be more connected with the world and more "together" I have purchased a BlackBerry. I must say, I haaate learning new things when they pertain to electronics. So I sit here frustrated now as I try to figure out this little device that is smarter than I am... maybe one day I will be queen of my BlackBerry and find it useful! 

On another note, we here at Eden Photography are always trying to better your EXPERIENCE with us so we invested in some expensive electronics to help with our order session. I cannot really describe them to you YET, but one day when I figure them out my husband and photography mentor have assured me they will be WONDERFUL! We'll see. But between you and me, I think it would be great if one day I woke up and *BAMM* was an electronic genius! 


Rachel Brooke 6:57 PM  

There is a lot to learn! But the Blackberry is awesome once you get the hang of it.

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