
Phone Poll

Informal Poll...

The other day we were having a discussion here at Eden Photography. We were wondering if it would make any difference if a man or woman answered the phone when you called Eden Photography. Some thought because the majority of our callers are moms, they might like to speak with a woman. Others thought a man might add a new twist and the moms who call in wouldn't care as long as the man was personable and helpful. And then others just had no idea...so we wanted to ask YOU!! Please give us your opinion in the comment section of this blog. We would LOVE your feedback! You can leave your comment as anonymous if you would like.

Thank you for your opinions...we love to listen!


Rachel Brooke 9:31 PM  

Hey Asher...
I just worked at a place where I did all the front desk management and patient relations. After I left, they hired a guy to do it and had to fire him shortly after. He was a nice guy and a hard worker, but the patients just didn't connect quite the same way they did with a woman (the Dr. told me this after I'd left). Because women tend to be nurturing and patient while men are problem-solvers. If you say it is mostly moms that are calling I would think that they, above all people, would want to feel like their kids will be taken care of. Also, for someone who is running an office - it is nice to have women since we have a God-given gift of multitasking! I don't mean to discriminate by any means, but I'm going to have to go with a girl/woman on this one.

There's my loooong opinion. :)

Eden Photography 12:57 PM  

Thank you for your input Rachel! I can see what you mean.


I would have to agree with Rachel.. she put it well :)

becca ann 12:55 PM  

Yes... I would much rather talk to a woman than a man. :)

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